Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stuff we have

AS OF 11/2/2008:

This is a list of all of the goodies that we already have received, and after this initial posting, dates received, and who got it for us!

Thank you to all who have given us goodies for our little one!

  • Pack-n-play bassinet playpen thingy: great for coralling toys and the kid! - Thank you Jennifer B!
  • Baby jumper thingy: builds leg strength and provides entertainment - Thank you Jennifer B!
  • A huge haul of maternity clothing: the gift that keeps on giving! - Thank you Jennifer B!
  • Assorted noisy toys and fun stuff: one emptier garage for a haul of cool toys! - Thank you Jennifer B!
  • Baby sling: an over the shoulder baby holder! - Thank you Otis!

  • "Major Cutie" onesie: camouflage is always welcome in our place! - Thank you Erin!
  • "Happy Bunny" maternity shirts: for those days when Kel just does not feel like a Happy Mommy - Thank you (Grand)Mom Julie!
  • Nifty bassinet thingy: one part playpen, one part sleeper - Thank you Erin & Tod!
  • Feeding spoons, toys and other assorted stuff: More used items find a home! - Thank you Jennifer!
  • Halloween onesies in multiple sizes: Why can't Halloween be everyday? - One of Kel's bargain shopped items

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