Friday, March 6, 2009

I can breathe clearly now, the tube is gone

Today we had quite a surprise when we went to see Eirik - not only was his oxygen cannula gone, but he's moved again!

Eirik moved from his spacious corner isolette to an open bed in the middle of the NICU. While it may look like he's moved from the penthouse to the projects, this is a good thing because it means that he isn't requiring nearly as much care as he did when he first came to the NICU. An open bed also means that he's better able to regulate his own body temperature without the warmer of the isolette or the radiant heat of the warmer.

He also has one less tube because he's gotten off of the oxygen cannula which means that he's finally able to breathe without assistance! This is really good!

We also learned more about what needs to happen for little man to get sprung from the pokey. In order to be able to come home with us, Eirik needs to be able to:
1. Take all of his feedings from mom or a bottle and not use his gavage tube
2. Be completely off of his supplemental IV for lipids and electrolytes
3. Be able to regulate his own body temperature

So far, his IV dependence has been decreasing, and he's in the open bed. He still is taking half of his feedings through his gavage tube, but that's much better when he was only able to take a bottle and make the occasional foray to Hooter's.

What does this mean? Hopefully, by the end of next week, he should be able to come home and we'll finally be the sleep deprived parents we've been dreaming of becoming. :)

And here's the daily picture fix:

I'd like a Baby Burrito to go, with a side of Nachos... Eirik all wrapped up after a diaper change and weigh-in

A little naptime before snacks. He likes to suck on his fingers like Kelly did when she was little.

Look! No breathing tubes! Pretty soon we'll have the wireless model of baby!

I think I can breathe real good, my tube is gone

All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin' for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

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