Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happiness is a full tummy and lots of snuggles

Eirik still has his nasal cannula in place today, but the amount of oxygen that he's requiring is much, much lower. Yay!

Other good news - little man is taking more of his food off of a bottle, which means that he is having less gavage feeding. The gavage tube is the tube you see running down his nose, which is used to not only put milk down into his tummy, but was also to "burp" him when he was swallowing air by the bucketload while he was on his CPAP mask.

Eirik's also found that in addition to being a fabulous cuddler, mom is also a fabulous fast food purveyor. He had his first lunch at Hooter's today and stuffed himself silly - I guess he feels that fresh tastes better.

And for your daily photo fix (sorry, no meal at Hooter's pics... there are some things you just can't un-see.)

Eirik back in the isolette after being fed and changed

What big eyes you have...

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