Wednesday, March 4, 2009

K-Care in the NICU

Today we had the opportunity to spend some snuggle time with Eirik outside of his isolette. He's still on the cannula, but the amount of oxygen that he's on is much lower.

Being able to snuggle him was awesome. Otis found that Eirik loves to hear cadences (Army marching songs) and while Otis was holding him, he started to fuss as soon as Otis stopped singing. It was the funniest thing. :)

And for your daily photo fix:

Otis and Eirik in the middle of a singing break

Snuggle buddies

Just one more verse of the "Baby Seals" cadence, please, dad?

Hopefully tomorrow, Eirik will be able to be out and about a little bit more.

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