Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mobile posting test message

Testing...1... 2... 3...

In response to all of the inquiries that we've been getting about how Eirik and his new (and worried) parents are doing, we've set up the mobile updates for the blog so Kelly can send in new info as she gets it as well as photos from her phone.

While we love hearing from everyone, please understand that it is difficult to remember who we've contacted and who we haven't and when and what we said, Eirik's status can change from hour to hour, we might not be able to take your call, and sometimes we just might not want to talk at the moment (From Kelly: it's hard to pump milk for Eirik and take a call at the same time!)

Please also understand that it's pretty tough for us to have our son in the NICU, and it's even
harder knowing we can go home, but he can't just yet. So if we seem a little stressed out, short with you or sad, or forget to contact you, please:
1. Don't take it personally,
2. Check the blog for a new update,
3. Send some happy thoughts or an email our way, and
4. Know we're doing the best we can for everyone, especially our son and each other. :)

Thank you so much!
Love, Otis, Kelly & Eirik :)

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